ABBYY FineReader 6.0

  1. Software and Hardware Requirements
  2. Installation by means of an Installation Code
  3. Installation on a Network Server
  4. Installation on a Network Workstation
  5. Additional licenses
  6. Using previous FineReader version user dictionaries
  7. Using previous FineReader version user patterns
  8. Trial Version
  9. Upgrade Version
  10. How to embed FineReader icon into MS Word toolbar manually
  11. Technical Support
  12. Uninstall ABBYY FineReader 6.0
  13. Additional Information

Software and Hardware Requirements

  1. PC with an Intel« Pentium« 200 MHz processor or higher
  2. Microsoft« Windows« XP, Microsoft« Windows« 2000, Windows« NT« Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or greater, Windows« 95/98/ME
  3. 64 ╠b (Windows XP/2000), 32 ╠b (Windows Me/98/NT 4.0), 16 ╠b (Windows 95) of RAM, plus 16 Mb of RAM for each additional processor (on a multiprocessor system)
  4. Microsoft« Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (Microsoft« Internet Explorer 5.5 included in the distribution package)
  5. 90 Mbytes of free hard-disk space for minimal program installation
  6. 70 Mbytes of free hard-disk space for program operation
  7. 100% Twain-compatible scanner, digital camera or fax-modem
  8. CD-ROM drive
  9. Mouse or other pointing device

Installation by means of an Installation Code
(only for Cyrillic Plus version)

Problem description: The user is asked to enter an Installation Code to continue the installation. It may happen in the following cases:

Solution: You can obtain your Installation Code from ABBYY by filling in a special registration form on the website specified by the installation program, by sending the filled-in form via e-mail or by calling the technical support and telling them the necessary information.

Note: You can't continue the installation until you enter the Installation Code. To postpone installation until you get the Installation Code (you may need this when you get the Installation Code via e-mail or by calling the technical support service), click Cancel. When you get the Installation Code, please, run the installation of ABBYY FineReader once again.

Installation on a Network Server

Installation of ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition on a network server can only be performed by the system administrator. You need the ABBYY FineReader CD-ROM and the diskette (only for Cyrillic Plus version) with the "Installation disk" label (supplied in ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition package) to install ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition correctly. Proceed as follows to install the application:


  1. You cannot use logical drives created by the SUBST command for network installation.
  2. If you choose "Installation on a network", SP 6 and IE 5.5 will NOT be automatically copied the server. If you choose any other way of installation, SP 6 and IE 5.5 will be automatically copied to your system. In order to avoid difficulties related to the absence of these components, a system administrator should check if both these components (or higher) are installed on the network station prior to installation. If not, he should update the system before installing FineReader.
  3. Check before installation that all users have read-write permissions for the Users network folder (this folder is automatically created during the application installation; temporary files are stored in this folder).
Attention! Installation on a network server is not available in the Trial version of ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Corporate Edition

Installation on a Network Workstation

After ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Corporate Edition is installed on a network server, you should install it on the workstations. Proceed as follows to install ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition on the workstations: 

The FineReader package can be installed on a workstation in the Silent mode. In case of the Silent installation FineReader is installed from a server in Typical configuration without dialogs demonstration. Installation in the Silent mode is run by msiexec.exe from the command line with parametres msiexec.exe/i "[completed path to *.msi file]" /qn TRANSFORMS="1033.mst"  from the folder where ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Corporate Edition server was installed.

The file number ("1033.mst") means the language in which installation will be run.

1043: Dutch;

1033: English;

1036: French;

1031: German;

1040: Italian;

2070: Portuguese;

1049: Russian;

1034: Spanish.

Note. You should have administrative rights for the workstation where ABBYY FineReader is being installed.

Additional licenses

If ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition is to be used by more than one user, you need to add serial numbers for correct network processing after installation on a network server is over:

  1. Run LicSetup.exe from the ...\Program Files\ABBYY FineReader 6.0 folder (located in the network folder where ABBYY FineReader Corporate Edition was installed). The Add License dialog will open. 
  2. Input a new serial number and click the Add button. You can also input serial numbers from a file. To input serial numbers from a file, press the Add from file button.

Note: If the message "Can't load FineReader. There is no free license." is displayed, check the number of additional licenses you have added in the Add License dialog and the number of users working with ABBYY FineReader at the moment. 

Using user dictionaries from previous FineReader versions

How to use user dictionaries of ABBYY FineReader 4.0 or  5.0 in ABBYY FineReader 6.0.

  1. Uninstall ABBYY FineReader 4.0 or 5.0.
  2. Install ABBYY FineReader 6.0.
  3. Run ABBYY FineReader 6.0 from the Start button menu.
  4. Click the View dictionaries button on the Check Spelling tab (Tools>Options).
  5. In the Select dictionary dialog select the necessary dictionary and click the View button. A dialog will open. Click the Import button. The dictionaries you can import to ABBYY FineReader 6.0 are located in the catalog where previous version of FineReader was installed in the /Language folder and have the .pmd extension. Select the necessary dictionary and click the Open button.

How to use user dictionaries of ABBYY FineReader 5.0 not uninstalling it.

  1. Run ABBYY FineReader 5.0 from the Start button menu.
  2. Click the View dictionaries button on the Check Spelling tab (Tools>Options).
  3. In the Select dictionary dialog select the necessary dictionary and click the View button. A dialog will open. Click the Export button and save the dictionary as Portable Morphological Dictionary.
  4. Install ABBYY FineReader 6.0.
  5. Run ABBYY FineReader 6.0 from the Start button menu.
  6. Click the View dictionaries button on the Check Spelling tab (Tools>Options).
  7. In the Select dictionary dialog select the necessary dictionary and click the View button. A dialog will open. Click the Import button and enter the path to your saved dictionaries. Select the necessary dictionary and click the Open button.

Using patterns from previous FineReader versions

If user patterns were created in FineReader 4.0 or 5.0, you may use them in ABBYY FineReader 6.0:

Trial version

During the first 15 launches the Trial version works as a full version of FineReader. Then it becomes a demo-version - you can view and try out various program functions, but you will not be able to save the results.

Attention! Installation on a network server is not available in the Trial version of ABBYY FineReader 6.0 Corporate Edition

Upgrade version

A previous version of FineReader must be installed on your computer before installing the upgrade-version of ABBYY FineReader 6.0. That is why it is recommended to uninstall the previous version only when FineReader 6.0 installation is over. If you have already uninstalled your previous version of FineReader, you should type in its serial number while installing ABBYY FineReader 6.0.

How to embed FineReader icon into MS Word toolbar manually

If FineReader Setup failed to embed the FineReader icon into MS Word toolbar, you can do the following:

  1. Open the file located in the folder where ABBYY FineReader was installed. MS Word will be started.
  2. Select the Macro\Macros item in the Tools menu or press Alt-F8. The Macros dialog will open.
  3. Click the Organizer... button in the dialog and then select the Toolbars Tab.
  4. Copy FineReader Bar from the list of toolbars into the toolbars list.
  5. Save the changes, close the dialog, and restart MS Word. The FineReader icon should now appear on the toolbar.

Technical support

If you have any questions about how to use FineReader, please consult all the documentation you have (The User's Guide and the Help File) before contacting our technical support service. You may also browse the technical support section on our website There you may find the answer to your question.

If you didn't manage to find the answer, e-mail us at Our technical support service experts will need the following information to answer your question competently: 

You can get some information automatically by starting AInfo.exe from the \Support folder on the ABBYY FineReader CD-ROM.

Uninstall ABBYY FineReader

To uninstall ABBYY FineReader 6.0, please do the following:

Additional Information

Default batch is located:

User templates are located in a batch and have the .ptn extension.

User dictionaries have the .ame extension and are located:

Scanlog.txt is located in User profile: